Roll on Bottles

Roll - On
- GR01,GR02,GR03,GR04 Glass round bottles 8ml and 10ml Balls' dia.9.8mm Neck:16/415
The dimensions:
- glass bottle 8ml dia.19.6Xheight 69.5mm, total height with the cap 85.5mm
- glass bottle 10ml dia.20Xheight 71.5mm, total height with the cap 87mm
- GR01with glass balls - GR02 with plastic balls - GR03 with stainless steel balls 
- GR01M/GR02M clear glass bottles with plastic/glass balls + metal sheathed cap
- GR01M/GR02M frosted glass bottles 8ml/10ml with plastic/glass balls + metal sheathed cap
- GR03M frosted glass bottles 8ml/10ml with with stainless steel balls + metal sheathed cap
- GR04 clear glass bottles 8ml/10ml with plastic/glass balls + plastic caps  
- PR01 PP bottle 8ml with glass or plastic ball + PP cap
(the dimension: dia.18mm X height 86mm)
- PR02 PP bottle 15ml with plastic ball dia.21mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: dia.28.5mm X height 115mm)
- PR03 PP bottle 30ml with plastic ball dia.21mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: dia.28.5mm X height 149mm) 
- PR04 PP bottle 15ml in flat shape with the stainless steel ball dia.10mm and PP cap
(the dimension: width 22.5mm X height 109.7mm)
- PR04 PP bottle 15ml in flat shape with the plastic or glass balls dia.10mm and PP cap  
- PR05 PP bottle 18ml with plastic ball dia.18mm and PP overcap in snap-on
(the dimension: dia.23.5mm X height 118mm) 
- PETR60 PET bottle 60ml with plastic ball dia.35.4mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: width 48mm X height 97.5mm)
- PETR60A PET bottle 60ml with plastic ball dia.25.4mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: width 37.5mm X height 118.5mm) 
- PR06 HDPE bottle 50ml in cucurbit shape with plastic ball dia.25.4mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: dia.40.5mm X height 114mm)
- PR07 HDPE round bottle 80ml with plastic ball dia.35.4mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: dia.47.5mm X height 111mm)
- PR08 HDPE bottle 100ml in cone shape with plastic ball dia.35.4mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: dia.44mm X height 129mm)
- PR09 HDPE bottle 45ml in flat shape with plastic ball dia.25.4mm and PP overcap
(the dimension: width 37mm X height 106mm) 
The colors of the bottle attachment and cap can be made as per your requirements.
The Plastic Roll-on Balls+fitments

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