
aGlass and PPpipettes,Rubber and PVC bulbs for the droppers
There are different pipettes in glass and PP materials for your options and also for different bulbs in rubber and PVC materials:

Glass Pipettes: lengths and heads can be made as per your requirements
Glass pipettes' heads: in "01"- bent,"02"- bent ball ,"03" - ball ,"04" - round and "05" - conical for your options

Net length of PP pipettes: 51mm,55mm,59mm,61mm,65mm,70mm,75.6mm,76.5mm,88mm,89mm
- "01","02","07" and "08" without embossed graduation,that can be printed;
- "06" and "09" with embossed graduation: - 1.00ml, - 0.75ml, - 0.50ml, - 0.25ml;
- the PP pipettes "03"-55mm,"04"-65mm,and "05"-70mm with embossed graduation: - 1.0ml, - 0.6ml, - 0.5ml, - 0.3ml are limited to be fitted to the droppers DR01VA 18/400,20/400,24/400 with PVC bulb PVT02  
- the PP pipette with embossed graduation "10": - 2.0ml, - 1.5ml, - 1.0ml, - 0.5ml is limited to the droppers without closures DR-06 with PVC bulbs "PVT03" and "PVT01"

Bulbs: Rubber and PVC,and the colors can be made as per your requirements
- RT01: nitrile and silicon rubbers bulbs D1-11.8mm D2-8.65mm H-17.6mm
            (this teats are applied to 13/425 and 15/425)
- RT02: nitrile rubber bulb D1-15.6mm D2-11.5mm H-23mm
- RT02A: nitrile rubber bulb D1-21.3mm D2-11.5mm H-23.5mm
- RT02B: nitrile rubber bulb D1-17.5mm D2-11.8mm H-28.3mm
- RT03/RT03A: silicon and nitrile rubbers bulb D1-16mm D2-10.9mm H-24mm
- RT04: silicon and nitrile rubber bulb D1-16.6mm D2-11.5mm H-32.4mm
- RT05: silicon and nitrile rubber bulb D1-11.8mm D2-10.5mm H-29.5mm(for the droppers without closures DR06C)
- PVT01: PVC bulb D1-15.6mm D2-11.5mm H-25.5mm
- PVT02: PVC bulb D1-16.7mm D2-13.3mm H-26.8mm
  - this PVT bulb PVT02 is limited only to the droppers DR01VA 18/400,20/400,24/400 with the PP pipettes: "03"-55mm,"04"-65mm,and "05"-70mm

- PVT03: PVC bulb D1-19mm D2-14mm H-28.5mm(for the droppers without closures DR06 series)

The materials of the bulbs: nitrile rubber,silicon rubber,and PVC.

The colors of the bulbs:

- Nitrile rubber: black and white

- Silicon rubber and PVC: different colors as per your requirements.

b. Droppers and tamper evident drop caps

- PP closures available: 15/425, 18/400, 18/410, 18/415, 20/400, 22/400, 20/410, 24/400
- All the droppers can be fitted with our glass bottles,PET and HDPE bottles as per your requirements.
- The heads and lengths of glass pipettes can be made as per your requirements.
- Model No.DR01R the closure: 15/425 ribbed with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs RT01 with glass pipettes without graduated printing
- Model No.DR01 the closures: 18/400,18/410,18/415,20/400 with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR01V with PVC bulbs  
  DR01R with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs
- Model No.DR01 the closures: 20/410,22/400,24/400 with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR01V with PVC bulbs  
  DR01R with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs
- Model No. DPC01+DP01 tamper evident cap+Drop for essential oil bottle DIN18 
- Model No. DPC02+DP01 tamper evident cap with double closure+Drop for essential oil bottleDIN18


- The droppers in child-resistant caps and tamper evident closures

 - Model No.DR01CR the closure: 20/400 in child-resistant closure with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing i
- Model No.DR01CR the closure: 18/400 in child-resistant closure with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
- Model No.DR01TE the closure: 18/410(DIN18) in tampler evident closure with glass pipettes without graduated printing 
  DR01TEV with PVC bulbs 
  DR01TER with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs   
- Model No.DRUTE the closure: 18/410(DIN18) UV coated tampler evident closure with glass pipettes without graduated printing 
  DRUTEV with PVC bulbs 
  DRUTER with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs 


The droppers without closures: DR06 series to be fitted with PP pipettes or glass pipettes for your options. 
- Model No.DR06 PVC bulbs "PVT03","PVT02" + PP Pipette "09": - 2.0ml, - 1.5ml, - 1.0ml, - 0.5ml 
- Model No.DR06A PVC bulb PVT02 + PP Pipette embossed "03"-55mm,"04"-65mm,and "05"-70mm 
- Model No.DR06BV PVC bulb PVT01 + PP or Glass Pipettes 
- Model No.DR06BR and DR06BR1 silicon and nitrile rubber bulbs RT02 and RT03 + PP or Glass Pipettes 
- Model No.DR06BR2 silicon rubber bulb RT04 + PP or Glass Pipettes 
- Model No.DR06C nitrile rubber bulb RT05 + PP or Glass Pipettes


- The droppers with metal sheathed closures

- Model No.DR02 Metal sheathed closures: 18/400,18/410,18/415,20/400 with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR02V with PVC bulbs   i  
  DR02R with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs 
- Model No.DR02 Metal sheathed closures: 20/410,22/400,24/400 with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR02V with PVC bulbs     
  DR02R with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs
- Model No.DR02OC Metal sheathed closures: 20/400,20/410 with PS overcap + PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR02OCV with PVC bulbs     
  DR02OCR with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs
- Model No.DR03 Metal sheathed closures: 20/410,20/415,22/400 with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR03V with PVC bulbs     
  DR03R with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs
- Model No.DR03 Metal sheathed closures: 22/410,24/400 with PP or glass pipettes without graduated printing
  DR03V with PVC bulbs    
  DR03R with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs 
- Model No.DR04V Metal sheathed closures and bulb: 18/415 with PVC bulbs + glass pipettes without graduated printing    
- Model No.BR01 Black phenolic cap ribbed+natural stem and black brush tip
c. Glass bottles with droppers

- "01" Amber glass bottle CN00591 5ml neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01R 18/410 with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes  
- "02" Blue glass bottle CN00592 5ml neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01V 18/410 with PVC bulb+glass pipettes 
- "03" Amber glass bottles CN01091 10ml neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01V 18/410 with PVC bulb+PP pipette #03 55mm 
- "04" Amber glass bottles 10ml neck: 20/400  
   - the dropper DR01V 20/400 with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes 
- "05" Amber glass bottle 15ml neck:20/400  
   - the dropper DR01R 20/400 with rnitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes 
- "06" Green glass bottle 15ml CN01593 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01V 18/410 with PVC bulb+PP pipette #04 65mm  
- "07" Amber glass bottle 15ml CN01591 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01TEV 18/410 tamper evident closure with PVC bulb+glass pipettes  
- "08" Green glass bottle 20ml CN02093 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01V 18/410 with PVC bulb+PP pipette #05 70mm  
- "09" Amber glass bottle 20ml CN02091 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR02V 18/410 metal sheathed closure with PVC bulb+glass pipettes 
- "10" Amber glass bottle 20ml CN02091 neck:18/410(DIN18) 
   - the dropper DR01R 18/410 with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes 
- "11" Amber glass bottle 30ml CN03031 neck:20/400  
   - the dropper DR01CR 20/400 CRC with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes 
- "12" Amber glass bottle 30ml CN03091 neck:18/410(DIN18) 
   - the dropper DR01R 18/410 with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes 
- "13" Amber glass bottle 30ml CN03091 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR02R 18/410 metal sheathed closure with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes  
- "14" Amber glass bottle 30ml CN03031 neck:20/400  
   - the dropper DR01R 20/400 with nitrile or silicon rubber bulb+PP pipette #07 76.5mm  
- "15" Amber glass bottle 50ml CN05091 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01TEV 18/410 tamper evident closure with PVC bulb+glass pipettes 
- "16" Amber glass bottle 100ml CN10091 neck:18/410(DIN18)  
   - the dropper DR01TER 18/410 tamper evident closure with rnitrile or silicon rubber bulb+glass pipettes  
The amber glass bottles with different capacities necks:DIN18,20/400,22/400 with different droppers are available for your options.
dGlass tubes with droppers

- For glass tubes,we can manufacture them as per your requirements for different volumes and necks
- Amber,clear and frosted clear glass tubes are available in our plant
- GTDR-5 glass tubes 5ml neck:18/410 with the dropper DR01(all plastic) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs 
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs  
- GTDR-8 glass tubes 8ml neck:18/410 with the dropper DR01(all plastic) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs  
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs  
- GTDR-10 glass tubes 10ml neck:18/410 with the dropper DR01(all plastic) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs 
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs  
- GTDR-12 glass tubes 12ml neck:18/410 with the dropper DR01(all plastic) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs  
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs  
- GTDR-20 glass tubes 20ml neck:18/400 with the dropper DR01(all plastic) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs  
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs  
- GTDR-25 glass tubes 25ml neck:18/400 with the dropper DR01(all plastic) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs  
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs  
- GTDR-30R frosted glass tubes 30ml neck:20/410 with the dropper DR02(metal sheathed closure) glass pipettes
   with PVC bulbs  
   with nitrile or silicon rubber bulbs

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