Treatment(cream) Pumps
- dosages: 0.2ml, 0.4ml, 0.65ml
- with or without PP, PS or K-resin dustcaps
- the length of dip tube: on your requests
- colors for actuators,closures and dustcaps: on your requests
- Different actuators for your options
- Actuators: C01,C05,C06 and C07A,C07AA can be equipped with dustcaps,others could not,but with overcaps.
C07AC with a PP cover.
C04(C04M) and C05(C05M) can be metal sheathed.
C07E be used for dosage:0.20ml,in turn on/off locking system.
C07B,C07C,C07D,C16 and C15 be used for dosage:0.65ml,in turn on/off locking system.
- Treatment(cream) Pumps
- CR-01 - All Plastic with or without plastic dustcaps
- CR-02 - Metal sheathed closures with plastic actuators
- CR-03 - Metal sheathed closures with metal sheathed actuators:C04 and C05
- CR-04 - Metal sheathed closures with metal sheathed actuators:C04 and C05
- CR-05 – Metal screwed closures with plastic actuators
- CR-05M – Metal screwed closures with metal sheathed actuators: C04 and C05
- CR-06 – Metal ferrules with plastic actuators
- CR-06M – Metal ferrules with metal sheathed actuators: C04 and C05
- CR-07 UV coated plastic closures with or without UV coated plastic actuators
a. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-01(all plastic)
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Ribbed or smooth closures: 16/415,18/410,18/415 dosage:0.20ml
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Ribbed or smooth closures: 20/400,20/410,22/400,22/410 dosage:0.4ml
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Ribbed or smooth closures: 22/415,24/410,24/415,28/400,28/410,31/400 dosage: 0.4ml
b. Treatment(cream) pumps CR01OC(all plastic) with PP, PS and AS overcaps
- #01,#02,#03 18/415 double-wall closure dosage:0.2ml with PS or AS overcap
- #04,#05,#06 18/415 double-wall closures dosage:0.2ml actuators: C10,C17 with AS overcap
- #07,#08,#09,#10,#11,#12,#13,#14,#15 single-wall closures dosages: 0.20ml,0.40ml with PS and AS overcaps
c. we just finished our new project of the treatment pumps with non-touch(external) spring
- CR01NS 20/410 smooth closure dosage:0.30ml with PP dustcap
- CR01OCNS 20/410 smooth closure dosage:0.30ml with PS overcap
- CR10NS 24/410,28/410 single and double-wall closures dosage:0.65ml actuators: C07B,C07C,C07D in turn on/off locking system
d. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-02(metal sheathed closures+plastic actuators)
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Closures: 16/415,18/410T(stepped closure),18/415 dosage:0.2ml
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Closures: 20/400,20/410,20/415,22/400,22/410 dosage:0.4ml
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Closures: 22/415,24/410,24/415,28/400 dosage: 0.4ml
e. Treatment(cream) pumps CR02OC(metal sheathed closures+plastic actuators) with PS overcaps
- #01 18/410 dosages:0.2ml,0.40ml
- #02,#03,#04,#05,#06,#07,#08,#09,#10: 18/415, 20/410,24/410 dosages:0.20ml,0.4ml with PS and AS overcaps
f. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-03(metal sheathed closures+metal sheathed actuators:C04 and C05)
- Pumps with dustcaps or without dustcaps
- Closures: 18/410 dosage:0.20ml,0.40ml, 18/415 dosage:0.2ml
- Closures: 20/400,20/410,22/400,22/410 dosage:0.4ml
- Closures: 22/415,24/410,24/415,28/400 dosage: 0.4ml
g. Treatment(cream) pumps CR03OC(metal sheathed closures+metal sheathed actuators) with PS or AS overcaps
- #06,#07,#08,#09,#10,#11 18/415,20/410,24/410 dosages:0.2ml, 0.4ml
h. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-04(metal sheathed closures/metal sheathed actuators:C04 and C05 with metal overcaps+plastic inner sleeves)
- Closure: 18/415 dosage:0.2ml
i. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-07 with dustcaps and CR07OC with PS or AS overcaps(UV coated plastic closures with or without UV coated plastic actuators)
j. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-05 -metal closures+plastic actuators dosage:0.12ml
- 18/410,18/415,20/410
- 22/410,24/410
k. Treatment(cream) pumps CR-05M -metal closures+metal sheathed actuators dosage:0.12ml actuators:C04 and C05
- 18/410,18/415,20/410
- 22/410,24/410
The metal closures can be made as per your bottles' necks.
l. Treatment(cream) pumps CR06 - metal ferrules+plastic actuators dosage:0.2ml
- dia.15mm
- dia.18mm,20mm
m. Treatment(cream) pumps CR06M - metal Ferrules+metal sheathed actuators:C04,C05 dosage:0.2ml
- dia.15mm
- dia.18mm,20mm
n. Treatment(cream) pumps CR01D - all plastic
- closure: 20/410(closure in double-wall) dosages: 0.4ml with a plastic clip
o. treatment pumps CR10 series with actuators in turn on/off locking system
- CR10E(all plastic) 20/410 ribbed closure dosage:0.2ml actuator in turn on/off system
- CR10E(all plastic) 20/410 double-wall closure dosage:0.2ml
- CR10EM(metal sheathed closures) dosage:0.2ml
- CR1015(all plastic) 24/410 ribbed dosage:0.65ml
- CR1015M(metal sheathed closures) 24/410 dosage:0.65ml
- CR10B(all plastic) 22/410,24/410 double-wall closures dosage:0.65ml
- CR10BM(metal sheathed closures) 22/410,24/410 double-wall closures dosage:0.65ml
- CR10BMS(metal sheathed screwed closures with your Logo) 22/410,24/410 double-wall closures dosage:0.65ml
- CR10C(all plastic) 22/410,24/410 double-wall closures dosage:0.65ml
- CR10CM(metal sheathed closures) 22/410,24/410 dosage:0.65ml
- CR10D(all plastic) 24/410 double-wall closure dosage:0.65ml with a plastic locking clip
- CR10DM(metal sheathed closures) 24/410 dosage:0.65ml with a plastic locking clip
- CR10DME(embossed metal sheathed closures with customers’ logos) 24/410 dosage:0.65ml with a plastic locking clip
- CR10DA(all plastic) 24/410 double-wall closure dosage:0.65ml with Actuator in turn on/off lock+a plastic locking clip
- CR10DAU(UV-coated) 24/410 double-wall closure dosage:0.65ml with Actuator in turn on/off lock+a plastic locking clip